Tuesday, February 28, 2006

La La Land...

It’s that time..
That perfect time..
When lights go off
One by one
And silence reigns

If it did not exist..
Men would invent this sensation
And men would pay a fortune
To savor her inebriation

But every human being
Has access to her bliss
Can enter it and be enveloped
In her celestial kiss

Its that time when day becomes a foggy dream
And dreams become reality..

We slip into a world..of mystery
And come out with nary a memory
An image..a scent...sights
Too fantastic to comprehend

Dancing elephants...streets carpeted green
Shadows...endless stairways...
Faces from beyond...another world
A mysterious smile...do I know her..?

I’ll never take it for granted
Every night a new ride..
A new adventure

I truly love my bed...my cocoon, my hideaway
I truly love the dreams...that take me far away...
That take me beyond the day.

Good night.