Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why I wear a white shirt....

There has been talk on some blogs about the color of ones shirt and how that affects public perception in Lakewood.

Here are a few reasons why I wear a white shirt.

1. There's no question that when you do something different people will stare and wonder.
This is not something new. In every community in every age if you do something out of the norm people will wonder...
Fact is 95% of people in Lakewood wear white shirts.

2. Wearing a white shirt says..yes, I have to work but where do I want to feel most comfortable?
In the halls of the Yeshiva/Beis Midrash or in the corporate halls?

3. I feel different enough inside that I don't feel the need for an article of clothing to make me feel that way.

4. To quote Bill Blass "The classiest item of down..the starched white shirt.."

5. It matches everything.